I started using Stack Overflow1 a few years ago when I was learning c-sharp. I remember that when I was asking something, I was either getting a link to an existing question (duplicate or similar question) or I was getting upvoted and somebody was posting good answers.
In the last months (let's say 5 months) it happened several times that I posted a question, a few persons tried to answer, but posting low quality answers.
I do not think it makes sense to report all these answers, but in fact they do not answer the question.
Usually, after I find the solution I post the answer.
From 11th of March to now, I posted 9 questions, accepted 2 answers, 3 questions are unanswered and 4 questions have answers which are not solutions to my questions.
Question gets answered after a longer time — e.g. 1 week
This is a happy one.
I find the answer and I post it
Sometimes getting some upvotes, but not many, because of the low view rate.
Getting poor answers/comments, but no solution
At least the question has activity.
Question gets marked as duplicate, with another obsolete question
Sometimes questions were quickly marked as duplicate of similar questions, with no actual/tested solution.
Question does not get answered, or commented, but gets deleted
It happened a few times when nobody commented or answered the question, and the "Community user" deleted the question due to lack of activity.
Sometimes I could find it (using the browser history), sometimes not.
Today I asked a new question about using the WordPress API — mentioning I am getting success responses from WordPress, but the expected thing was not happening (in this example: creating a WordPress post) and somebody answered to check the username/password — which obviously does not make sense in the context: I am not getting authentication errors.
- Am I doing something wrong (e.g. adding too many/not enough details)?
- Are there other users in my situation getting low-quality answers to their questions? Is this is a known situation on Stack Overflow?
- What can I do to improve the quality of the answers I expect?
Sometimes I feel frustrated: because when I ask something I expect to get a good answer, but instead I waste time answering/commenting with the users that post these answers that do not answer my question who in most of the cases read the question in a superficial quick way.
I don't want this question to be like a rant, but rather to understand what it is actually happening.
1 I use Stack Overflow as example here, but the trend is the same on the other SE sites (e.g., Ask Ubuntu, etc.).
is limited to questions that aren't deleted more than 30 days.