The guidelines for expected behavior state:
The community tends to vote down overt self-promotion and flag it as spam. Post good, relevant answers, and if some (but not all) happen to be about your product or website, that’s okay. However, you must disclose your affiliation in your answers.
And the How not to be a spammer guide says:
The community here tends to vote down overt self-promotion and flag it as spam. Post good, relevant answers, and if some (but not all) happen to be about your product or website, that’s okay. However, you must disclose your affiliation in your answers.
There are lots of meta posts discussing formulation and whether or not various specific or types of posts are appropriate or not, but I've failed to find any that make it clear what exactly counts as disclosure. Is a clear mention in my profile enough?
It may well be it depends on whether the original question already mentioned the product, or whether it was asking for any solution to a problem. As Jeff Atwood stated:
The key point is that you're not promoting any specific technology, you are merely answering existing questions that are already about that technology.
Still, I'd like to have this clarified.
Since I only know a single programming language well, and happen to work for a company with economic interest in that language, a very large percentage of my answers will naturally contain a solution in this language (though I occasionally answer using other, even competing, languages too). Adding an explicit mention inside the body of every answer (I probably have close to a thousand relevant posts) would approach a signature level of noise. As Jeff Atwood stated:
In general I would consider this a signature block, which is not necessary. I agree that removing the signature block is the correct thing to do here, since it's ultimately more words on the page that don't necessarily answer the question. Here at Stack Exchange we have an irrational love of signal-to-noise ratio. :)
It might even appear more promotional than leaving it out.
Is a clear mention of my affiliation in my profile enough of a disclosure…
1. when the question is about the particular product?
2. when the question is for a solution to a problem in general?