I tried to quote Wikipedia in a comment:
For space-word-deficient folks like myself Zarya (Russian: Заря́, lit. 'Dawn'[b]), also known as the Functional Cargo Block or FGB (from the Russian: "Функционально-грузовой блок", lit. 'Funktsionalno-gruzovoy blok' or ФГБ), is the first module of the International Space Station to have been launched
It shows as expected in a post, but when put in a comment it fails to display properly. While it also includes some bold text, removing that doesn't change things.
Question: Does Cyrillic prevent proper display of hyperlinks in comments, but not in posts? Is this expected behavior? Is there a work-around?
Text was copy/pasted in my Chrome browser (macOS) from the first sentence of Wikipedia's Zarya