The recent UI update which changed Stack Overflow's fonts to system defaults makes negative vote counts very hard to read on Microsoft Windows (in its Segoe UI font):
How could Microsoft chose such a bad system font, you might ask. Well, it's not Microsoft's fault. It's Stack Overflow's fault. Because the character to the left of the number is - (U+002D: HYPHEN-MINUS), not the semantically and typographically correct minus sign − (U+2212: MINUS SIGN).
If we change the character to the true minus sign (U+2212), the indicator becomes much more readable:
This feature request has been made previously and it was declined. However, back then it was mainly a matter of aesthetics: now (as of 10 May 2021, with Segoe UI) it's also about readability and accessibility.
When I first saw the question in the screenshot above, I thought to myself, "Why does this Q have three upvotes?".