Some questions are closed by mistake and the current procedure for reopening is very... uhm... bureaucratic.
Take a look at this question for example.
We have 170 upvotes (the question clearly has value), and about ~70 comments-votes (combined) for requests to reopen the question, but zero reaction from users with the cast reopen votes privilege (probably because it didn't make it to the reopen queue). Clearly the current reopen procedure is not working.
Lower the "cast reopen vote" reputation requirement.
Make close and reopen requirements asymmetrical. Closing should be hard. Reopening should be easy.
UPDATE: I was afraid this would boil down to discussing this particular question's fit for Stack Overflow, but I'm not here to appeal this question's closure. Please don't address the question's topicality, I was just using it as an example that community feedback to reopen a question is not working as well as it could.
It turns out I didn't look at the question history so I didn't know that the question had actually seen several reopen attempts.