I dislike when the Community user bumps questions and flags them modified when no (valuable) modification was actually made.
It is no longer a problem per se since Unix & Linux SE moderators instructed me how to stop being bothered.
Could I anyhow suggest finding a way to have the Community user offering some bounty instead of bumping?
The impact of the bump would be gracefully increased and the modified statement rightfully deserved.
OK, I know, the Community user is not a real user. And, as such, does not earn any credit.
What about collecting the amount just vanishing with no profit for anyone when bounties are not awarded or awarded only in half and credit the Community user with that amount?
I cannot imagine the modification of the bot to be that hard and I'm sure this could profit to everyone.
EDIT : Following @Laurel's basic & obvious & objective calculus I had completely missed, I do realize the craziness of this feature-request. Sorry for the noise.