We are announcing that as of November 17, 2022, Windows Phone SE has been archived.
Why now?
The Stack Exchange network is a lot like a neighborhood. Each individual site makes up a house in that neighborhood. Some houses are quite large, and others are a bit smaller. Each house has different kinds of people in them, doing their best to keep things running smoothly.
As we all know, neighborhoods change. After a discussion between the Community team and the last elected mods, it was clear that the Stack Exchange Neighborhood would change. In other words, we jointly decided to archive the site. This decision was made because the last security update to the Windows Phone OS was in January 2020, and it's been some time since a Windows phone was manufactured. In addition, Microsoft made it clear that they would no longer support the technology and that no effort to open-source it would be made. Naturally, user activity on the site has declined as a result. With all the above in mind, it became clear that this decision was needed.
What about the content?
Earlier this year, we were approached by the moderators from the site, who pointed out that we needed to figure out what to do with the content on the Windows Phone Stack Exchange site. So we were left to either migrate the content to a different site – if one felt like a natural fit and there was consensus between both communities – or archive it on Area51. Either of these options would ensure that the content still remained accessible to anyone interested.
Much of the content fell under general troubleshooting, rather than meaningful content about the phone or its operating system. With that in mind, it didn’t make sense to us to push it to a different site for them to handle, especially for content that wouldn’t get much interaction.
If you are interested in viewing the content, you can find the Archive link on Area 51 here.
Final Thoughts
We want to thank everyone who participated on the Windows Phone site for your contribution to the superb 10-year history of the site. Special thanks to the last elected moderators, Indrek and Rowland Shaw, for their input in helping us make this decision.
If you have a memory about your experience with Windows Phone that you would like to share or a great Windows Phone meme, this is the place to share it.