Why does the Community user's profile have infinity in its "reached" section? It's definitely not a number.
This is how it looks like:
Why does the Community user's profile have infinity in its "reached" section? It's definitely not a number.
This is how it looks like:
This is definitely not a bug.
You can probably put the story together about what data is associated with the community user, and the load this might place on its/their profile page - a Jon Skeet problem, but worse - using:
Most internal Jon Skeet problems - where we have performance issues exposed by hitting "numbers of things" or "sizes of things" thresholds for the first time - have been solved by combinations of denormalizing, pre-aggregating, query tuning, aggressive indexing, and moving expensive queries to readable secondaries.
Of course, the most efficient query is the one you don't have to run at all.
Last year, after seeing a few timeouts on the Community User's profile page, I said to Adam Lear:
This data is useless and really expensive, because it leads to complete scans of several growing tables.
Since Community is supposed to be a bot, and since a lot of these things they “did” are reassigned activity from deleted users, should we just put N/A for a lot of this?
This was after a fix had been implemented to stop calculating reach; however, the other queries were still expensive.
In October, a PR appeared, with this description:
As time goes by, we're hitting performance issues with parts of the Community user's profile since it's our catch-all "if we don't know what to do with a bit of data, let's attach it to Community". [...] since none of the data for Community on public is actually valuable, the most expedient thing to do is to just not show it.
So, that's this PR. Specifically, we are hiding:
• the Activity, Mod Dashboard, and Settings tabs
• parts of the Profile tab that have to do with tag stats or posts (keeping badges because I like the idea of Community having [Not a Robot] on SO)
• any attempt at the "people reached" calculation
As for the infinity symbol, a reviewer of the PR said:
That's a whole lot of people! 🤣 Feels a bit odd. I've got no suggestions for a better thing to display here though
And Adam responded with:
Oh, it's definitely odd. But I find it mildly amusing, so I'm going with it and subjecting everyone to my sense of "humor" 😎
tag. In any case, I now kind of regret offering any info at all.