The German localisation of contains 2 paragraphs in Dutch and 1 heading in English:
First reported by @Bergi in this comment: Upcoming privacy updates: removal of the Activity data section and Google conversion pixel deprecation
In addition, the French localization has the same English heading "Country and User Type":
Ryan M points out in comments that there is yet another issue: in addition to "Deutsch" one can scroll down in the list of supported localisations (I hadn't noticed that one could) and find "German (Germany)" which is an XOR of "Deutsch" in terms of localisation. It has those correct that the other has incorrect and vice versa:
The last issue suggests that "Deutsch" ought to be renamed to "Nederlands" ("Dutch" in Dutch) and properly localized for Dutch, and "German (Germany)" should be renamed "Deutsch" and properly localized for German.