I am trying to ask a question which contains sample XML code but I can't paste sample XML code in the question. How it can be done?


3 Answers 3


Note that if your XML doesn't get recognized despite the code block, you can add

<!-- language: lang-xml -->

before the code block. This has been elaborated in this page and further in here.

Feature was added in 2011 so I realize it was not available at the time the question and the other answers were placed.

  • In the interest of someone stumbling into this problem in the future, here's an example how to use it (revision 4).
    – mikołak
    Commented Jul 27, 2013 at 9:44
  • 1
    It worked using a shorter version: <!-- language: xml -->. Commented Jan 24, 2015 at 16:21

You need to paste your XML, and then highlight the lines in question, and press on the "code" button ({ } on the editor toolbar).

The code button

This will nicely format and syntax highlight your code and/or XML.

  • You can't even imagine but this doesn't work for my XML :)
    – it3xl
    Commented Dec 29, 2020 at 21:30

XML is still a language so use the regular code button (its the icon with binary on it) otherwise use http://pastebin.com to post the code and then past the link here.

Not that hard

  • 5
    Please post sample XML in the question; not on a separate site. Commented Apr 17, 2013 at 10:05