Possible Duplicates:
Weighted Down-Voting based on Reputation
Encourage users to select ‘Accepted Answer’ for old Questions
Force Accepted Answers on Questions by Inactive Users
Should questions with no accepted answers be charged “interest” after awhile?
Max downvotes per question/answer
Downvotes appear to be pure evil
Upvoting based on celebrity, too many upvotes (“excessive rep slurping”)
Are we too rep-focused?
Vote to delete answers
Reedem reputation for deleted negative answers?
I hate it how I have absolutely zero chance of getting reputation back when someone downvotes me, even when I'm obviously right. People downvote because they are stupid (sorry, but it happens) or because they didn't understand my answer, and after I clarifiy, they are long gone or don't care anymore/enough. People also downvote impulsively or because others downvoted. I think that after one downvote, more downvotes shouldnt be allowed for a certain period of time unless the downvote comes from someone who has more rep than the person before.
I also don't like that there is no guide on posting or strict enforcement of such. If someone poses a question in the "Add another answer" dialogue, then this must clearly be wrong behaviour. Still they get away with it.
This is clearly a site that puts the wrong focus on the people, instead of the quality of the answers. Someone who has more rep, should count more when up or downvoting, and someone who downvotes very often, has little rep or accepts answers very rarely shouldn't be able to deteriorate my rep.
It should also be punished if someone doesn't accept an answer, or at least make it auto accept the answer which has the most rep.