Remember Joel announcement posted June 24th, 2010?

Devdays will return not until 2011
Instead of me doing everything, we’ll find some way for the community to help plan the agenda, especially when it comes to choosing speakers. And, ultimately, that probably means that we’re looking at Spring 2011

We are already in 2011 and spring season is near.

Are there any plans for an awesome 2011 edition of Devdays?


3 Answers 3


We are working on it!

Start here.

UPDATE (2011-09-06): DevDays 2011 is Cancelled, but if you're still interested in attending 'something' in London, please look here.


There's this interesting initiative going on:

Stack Overflow MeetUps – April 6

enter image description here


EDIT: According to the blog, DevDays 2011 has been canceled.

For original answer, see the revision history.

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