Possible Duplicate:
Allow more than one @name notification per comment
I've read this question, but I don't think it's a duplicate because it's asking to make several @name
s in the same comment notify both users mentioned. The feature allowing several @name
s in the same comment just got unimplemented. I'm asking why it's been unimplemented (and asking for it back). Sort of different, right?
The closest match would be this one: Don't block comments with two @lerts if one of them is @postowner , except that it talks about @postowner. (My question is more about the general case.)
Recently, I discovered I couldn't provide the following comment:
@Whovever [...] Like @NameOfSomePerson said, [...].
If I were @NameOfSomePerson, I'd like to get a notification because someone used my name. Someone's talking about me!! Maybe they're misinterpreting what I'd said earlier, and saying the wrong stuff? I'd like to be able to clarify/correct that, but I can only do that if I get notified.
EDIT 2: Here's a nice example:
@Roland and @sarnold Is it possible to get a rough sample code so that I am more clear. Thanks for the trouble
(Assume @Ronald is not the answerer or asker.)