There are also several very poor question titles with 'information' in them. Here is an updated query:
Here for this:
DECLARE @tag nvarchar(25) = ##tag:string##
-- FIXME: uncomment this line on SE 2.0 sites, and also use the line with
-- Replace(q.tags, …) below instead of the straight AND q.tags line
--SET @tag = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(@tag, '-', 'ö'), '+', 'ç'), '#', 'ñ'), '.', 'û')
q.Id As [Post Link],
q.Score As [Score],
q.AnswerCount As [Answers],
q.ViewCount As [Views],
(q.ViewCount / 2 + q.Score
+ (SELECT Sum(a.Score) FROM Posts a WHERE a.ParentId = q.Id)
- (Len(q.Title) - 8) * Len(q.Title)) As [Badness]
FROM Posts q
WHERE q.PostTypeId = 1
AND q.Title LIKE '%information%'
-- AND Replace(Replace(q.Tags, 'à', '>'), 'é', '<') LIKE '%<' + @tag + '>%'
AND q.Tags LIKE '%<' + @tag + '>%'
AND q.ClosedDate IS NULL
This is probably my favorite of the lot, though it's from 2008: DLL Information (Badness of 532)