The SE engine removes spaces before question marks in question titles. A title such as “Différence entre ‘patte’ et ‘pâte’ ?” gets rewritten without the space before “?”, no matter what I try to do.
This enforces the rules of English typography w.r.t. spaces and punctuation, which is quite different from the French rules. As such, all French questions on FL&U get this weird feeling (and trying to correct it will be silently ignored, i.e. the edit is accepted, but the change is ignored). This happens whether the space is breakable or unbreakable.
I see three things to be fixed:
- short term: stop doing that for unbreakable spaces. If I decided to put an unbreakable space, I know what I'm doing. Stop changing that behind my back.
- short term: do not accept and silently ignore such edits
- longer term: disable that completely for FL&U and other sites that request it. Possibly, even implement a French-specific thing so that “space + question mark” gets converted into “unbreakable space + question mark” (that would be super extra great, but we can live without it)
Some references on French typography: 1, 2, 3, 4, including a summary post on French Language & Usage itself!
operator, as inx ? y : z
, or does it apply only at the end of the title?