I'm getting similar problems, my work proxy reports:
Based on your corporate access policies, this web site ( http://cdn.sstatic.net/ ) has been blocked because it has been determined by Web Reputation Filters to be a security threat to your computer or the corporate network. This web site has been associated with malware/spyware.
Threat Type: othermalware
Threat Reason: Domain reported and verified as serving malware. Identified as a malicious site via network activity logged during malware analysis.
If you have questions, please contact Help Desk ( [email protected] ) and provide the codes shown below. If you believe this page has been misclassified, use the button below to report this misclassification. [Reported!]
Notification codes:
(1, MALWARE, othermalware,
Domain reported and verified as serving malware.
Identified as a malicious site via network activity logged during malware analysis.,
BLOCK-MALWARE, 0x0919ac0d, 1320059640.952,
The source of this message is Cisco's IronPort Web Reputation Filters using the Cisco IronPort SenderBase Security Network, which reports:
Web Reputation Score: Poor
Why is the reputation Poor? These are the most common reasons:
- The website or IP address has exhibited activities that indicates it has been involved in the distribution of malware.
- The IP address associated with this Website has been linked to highly suspect behavior.
- By going to this site users are at high risk for getting infected with malware.
- The host has exhibited activity that indicates it has been involved in Phishing attacks.
- The hist[sic] is infected by malware or otherwise compromised by spammers or another malicious group.
The error causes my homepage to render as:
because the following network requests fail:
Strangely, everything (well, stub.js and all.css, I'm not a mod here) works just fine on MSO. They report 200 OK at http://meta.stackoverflow.com/content/js/stub.js?v=a1714a379225.
It's the CDN that reports 403 Forbidden coming at http://cdn.sstatic.net/js/stub.js?v=a1714a379225
I've used this fact to apply some styling to the broken homepage, with humorous results:
Off topic! Off topic! Off topic!