Having read through this topic about spoon feeding answers it seems to be ok to not just hand people code that solves their problem and instead try and point them in the right direction and give them ideas so they can work it out for themselves.
Giving them ideas was what I was trying to do on this question. However when they responded asking me to write their code for them I lost interest. Now a bounty has been put on the question with what seems to be the intent of attracting people to just write their code for them.
Now obviously they have earnt the reputation to be able to give bounties, and they have been using the site longer than I have and may just understand it's purpose better, but I feel like this isn't really a correct use of either the site or the bounty system.
So my questions are:
- Is it ok to use bounties to attract more people to your question just so you get your code written for you in the 'give them a fish' manner?
- If not, can this/should this be discouraged in any way?
- If it is ok, would it be better in situations like this for me to remove my answer which clearly doesn't answer the question in the way they are looking for?