So I'm at work ... doing work things. Like many of you I like to keep stack overflow up as a resource. My boss walks up behind me and we have a quick conversation. I notice he keeps glancing at my screen. I don't check what he's looking at because I know whats up. VS2010 and stack-overflow.
It wasn't until he left my cube that I noticed in giant bold letters stack exchange is prompting me about a question from the English Language and Usage Stack Exchange site site.
What is the word for the high-pitched "sex sound" a woman makes?
My boss is not familiar with Stack Overflow. But he's pretty sure I'm not using my internet for work related stuff anymore. So, on to the question. How do I get rid of random Stack Exchange teaser questions or at least limit them to appropriate questions that don't make me look like a perv in front of the guy who signs my paycheck.