My understanding is that if you vote up (or down) too many posts by a single person, those votes will be reversed as abuse. This is to prevent attacks on another user by downvoting every single post they've made and to prevent sock-puppetry when someone upvotes every post a friend has made.
Fine, but on SF (where I vote a lot) there aren't a huge number of regulars and many of them give good answers to lots of questions. Just the other day, the guy with the most SF rep answered at least 10 questions with his usual good answers. Knowing that votes will be rolled back if I upvote too many of a single person's answers in one day, I try to avoid it, but I'm pretty sure that over the past few days it's happened a couple times.
So I'm wondering:
Is there a limit up to which it's safe to vote for a single person? e.g. don't cast more than 5 votes/day (or 10/week or whatever) or they might be rolled back.
Or, could the algorithm be changed so that it doesn't roll back legitimate votes on a single person's answers?