I can never remember how to get to the Stack Exchange page that shows a list of questions across all sites based on my favorite/interesting tags. I also wish it was easier to add tags as interesting either by some means such as clicking on the tag (in the list of tags in a question) and then being taken to a page where I can easily favorite the tag, or mousing over the tag and somehow favoriting it.
Essentially it'd allow me to build a custom/filtered "here are the topics I am most likely to be able to answer" page that I could easily check. I also find it annoying that even when I do stumble upon my interesting questions page, it doesn't have all the sorting options usually available on other pages and the default sorting is also different.
Edit: Essentially I feel like alot could be done to pull these related features together under more consistent naming and make them more straightforward to access. I would not have thought that I'd have to go to Hot Questions and then click filters. On stackoverflow there's a "tag subscriptions" link on the right that takes you to essentially the same thing, but only for that site.
When you mouse over that star for a tag, it uses the terminology "Favorite" instead of "Interest".
If you are going to call them "Favorites" then use that terminology when you display links for filtering questions for these favorited tags. I.e. somewhere near the tag cloud on the right or near the top to the left of the Quesiton sorting tabs put "Show only favorited tags". Not tag "susbcriptions", or "filters". Or if you prefer the term subscription, and want to leave the "Tag subscriptions" link as it is, then change the interested/favorite tags to be "subscribed tags" and label the option to favorite a tag as "subscribe" or "subscribe to tag".
Change the "Hot Questions" link on the Stackexchange front page to "Questions". I don't care about Hotness and I wouldn't have thought to go through that link to get to what I wanted. The page it links to gives the user the option to sort by Hotness if they want to. So just call it "Questions" and let the user click the Hotness tab once they get to that page.
On stackoverflow, if you click Unanswered question, you have a My Tags option. If you click Questions tab, there is no My Tags option. If you go just to stackoverflow.com, you are presented with Top Question which has an Interesting tab. I recommend standardizing the sort options available for these three different views, so that the landing page for stackoverflow's Top Questions, as well as Unanswered Questions, and All Questions, each have a sort tab to short questions for favorited tags and use the same Label/Naming for that tab.
Ideally it wouldn't really be a sort, but a "Show only favorites" option to the left of the sorting tabs(between the "All Questions" text on the left and sorting tabs on the right). This would allow me to combine a sort with the Favorites filter.