I'm still finding my way around stackexchange, having joined only a short while ago.

The User Interface is a big step up from Wikipedia's software, fresher and more contemporary.

The one thing that's bugging me has to do with editing of signed answers by other users. It's not the third-party editing that bothers me, I accept that.

What I'd like to know is, (a) is there a feature to have the system notify me via e-mail if one of my answers gets edited and (b) can I subsequently remove my signature from the answer if I don't like the edits someone else has made?

This question is not about offering forensic "proof" of who is responsible for what part of an answer, the public version history takes care of that, right? It's about the ability to step in and prevent a casual reader from getting a wrong impression.


2 Answers 2


(a) is there a feature to have the system notify me via e-mail if one of my answers gets edited

I do not believe that you are e-mailed when one of your answers are edited—the system is very reluctant to e-mail users, in part to keep down unwanted e-mail traffic, but also in an attempt to encourage people to visit the site more frequently.

But you are notified. As Jeff's answer here indicates, there's a top-bar notification for edits that goes something like:

You have {n} new edits. See your responses.

And in case you miss the top-bar notification (or it doesn't show up for whatever reason), you can see a full history of edits other people have made to yours posts in your user profile. To get there, open your profile page (by clicking your name in the top bar), select the "responses" tab, and filter by "revisions".

(b) can I subsequently remove my signature from the answer if I don't like the edits someone else has made

No, unfortunately you cannot. Well, not selectively. You can always e-mail the team and ask for them to anonymize your account, removing your name from all the posts you have contributed, but you can't do this for individual posts.

But you don't have to resort to that because you can always roll back edits made to your posts that you disagree with. For example, if I wanted to roll back David's edits to my answer here, I would click on the time above his name at the bottom (indicating when he was the last one to make an edit) to show the revision history:


and then click the "rollback" link on whichever revision that I want to use:


In general, users should not be editing other people's answers in such a way that they would ever want to "disown" those answers. Edits are largely intended to fix minor typographical errors, and sometimes used to fix relatively minor factual errors. In all of my time participating on Stack Exchange sites, I can honestly say that I've seen at most one edit made to one of my posts that I've strongly disagreed with, and I just rolled that one back.

  • That's useful, thank you. I'd upvote both your and Pekka's answer but I can't... yet :/ Mar 17, 2012 at 10:11
  • Edits can also add links to resources, and that is perfectly acceptable, if the resource is on topic. An edit should not add something the OP didn't say, but eventually make the post clearer.
    – apaderno
    Mar 17, 2012 at 11:10
  • @EugeneSeidel: You are able to vote now, also don't forget the accept mark. :) Mar 17, 2012 at 11:12
  • Is the topbar notification network wide? I've never seen it before :s
    – Rory
    Mar 17, 2012 at 11:12
  • I gave Cody's answer the checkmark. Pekka's answer is just as good but Cody's has the added benefit of an in situ demonstration through Bo's edit :) Mar 17, 2012 at 11:41
  • 1
    Now, if only there was a way to stop such ridiculous mug shots appearing next to your answer....... ;-) Mar 17, 2012 at 12:05

is there a feature to have the system notify me via e-mail if one of my answers gets edited

Nope - you will see the edit in the "responses" tab, but there is no active notification.

can I subsequently remove my signature from the answer if I don't like the edits someone else has made?

It shouldn't happen that an edit makes you want to forfeit ownership of your answer.

In such a case, it is entirely within your rights to roll it back. If you feel an edit distorts the meaning of your post, or otherwise reduces it in value, there's no need to silently accept it.

There are exceptions to this in the case of questions: if you are a newbie, and a more experienced user works on your question to make it better suitable to SO's rules and culture, think twice before starting a rollback war - it could be that the editor knows what they're doing, and they're actually trying to help you.

But with answers, seeing as everyone can add their point of view by simply adding another answer, there is no need to keep an edit around. Rollback and politely point out in a comment why you didn't feel the edit to be suitable.

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