Possible Duplicate:
Why is there a comment in my inbox that doesn't exist?
I'd be surprised if I'm the only one that noticed this (so it is likely a dupe), but I couldn't find any other questions on here that describe what I'm seeing.
They say a picture's worth a thousand words (so I'll give you two):
The comment text that is showing in the SuperCollider is different than any of the comments on the answer (so I assume it has been deleted). Shouldn't it really only say one comment, with the text for the comment that is on the answer?
UPDATE - Even now that there are additional comments on the answer, the count is still wrong (total of three comments not posted by me, but the box says four comments).
UPDATE - This is a possible dupe of this question, but unless the datacenter moved again, its answer is not helpful.
As requested. This is the answer to which the comments were left (and subsequently deleted). I'm not really sure how to link to the SuperCollider though...
I realize it isn't something to stops the site from operating, just a general annoyance since the information is inaccurate. Is there any chance of it getting fixed?