Gitolite V3 just got released (an authorization layer in Perl to manage read/write access on Git repositories).
As a result, all the old V2 documentation links I used this past two years in my answer are invalid (not only their content is no longer up-to-date, but the links are now 404).
That means I resolved myself to update 51 on my answers (as well as a few answers from other contributors on Gitolite).
... except I got stopped in my tracks with the following message:
You have already edited 5 of your own posts today (not including very recent posts).
Further edits are not allowed until tomorrow.
I understand the need for that limitation, as explained in "Getting “Too many edits […] Further edits are not allowed until tomorrow”" by Marc Gravell.
But I would like to know then how that limitation is compatible with a large scale edit in order to update one's old answers. It would take me 10 days to complete my own updates... which seems a bit depressing.
Some suggestions (just for the sake of this discussion)
- allow those edits when done on the same tag?
(but not sure if it is compatible with "prevent gaming") - allow those edits if the reputation is above a certain level?
(if a user is a "trusted one", > 20K, maybe this could be considered?)
(maybe 40K on SO, due to the large number of users already at 20K?) - flag a moderator to ask for a reprieve?
(for 24 hours, you are authorized to do as many edits you want) - ? Other suggestions?
Note that the edits I have to do are NOT simple copy-paste, replacing old links by new ones.
I have to read again the content of those old answers, assess their validity in the light of the new Gitolite release, rewrite some of said content, and then update the links.
This is NOT about trivial edits, this is about maintaining and improving a large set of old answers, and this Stack Overflow "limitation" is in the way.
Seriously, how many high rep users (>50K, >100K) have been exhibiting bad edit behavior?
Let dedicated users do their work.