A question has been asked on the Drupal Answers Meta:
better tools for dealing with questions that disclose security issues
The OP is essentially asking that there should be some sort of mechanism for posts to be deleted/removed from the site, based on the premise that they might (perhaps unintentionally) expose a potential security flaw inside Drupal or one of its modules, that hasn't yet been discovered by the security team.
One of the moderators of the site has actually offered to perform these deletions on the OP's behalf if it is reported to him (through whatever channel that might be; I'm led to believe it's IRC but I guess that's irrelevant). This has obviously all been done in good faith, and from the point of view of Drupal.org this clearly makes sense.
It makes me kind of uncomfortable, though, as it doesn't seem like that's a valid reason to delete a post from a Stack Exchange site; it also seems wrong that any external entity should have this sort of influence over an SE site without it having been agreed at a higher level first.
Am I right to feel uncomfortable or am I just getting my knickers in a twist over nothing?