I flagged this answer as not an answer. Now, I know that I was wrong because the flag was declined by a moderator. I thought that the answer was a rhetorical question (I believe it is but I could be wrong because English isn't my first language.) but didn't provide proper explanation of why the suggestion was made.
I feel that answers should be followed by a proper explanation. This answer to me looked like a comment. I have noticed in sql, lots of users don't actually provide any explanation at all but simply the queries that OP needs, which I feel is wrong but that's just me. I have done the same mistake few times but now I try to provide some explanation along with my answers.
I would like to know whether I shouldn't flag a post if the answer proves a point to OP's question, even if the answer itself is a rhetorical question. I just want to make sure that I don't repeat the same mistake again.
Could a moderator or someone please explain how I should make the call in the situations similar to the one mentioned above?
so I can make better judgement call in future.