I believe that if you boycott a company because of a stand they took, you have a responsibility to stop boycotting them if they change their position. Since Go Daddy did change their position on SOPA, the original boycott of Go Daddy is over and is not a reason to refuse their advertising.
The other question is whether or not we should accept advertising from companies that our community has a negative opinion of for whatever reason ... tasteless ads, a poor quality product, or anything else.
On this particular question, my opinion is that Stack Exchange Inc. should not take an editorial position... we can't be in the business of evaluating every advertiser to decide if they are warm and fuzzy or creepy and prickly, as long as the ads that they run here meet reasonable standards for tastefulness.
Even though the company should not take these positions, I feel like the community SHOULD. We are working on putting into place a close button (X) in the corner of ads so that you can close ads you don't like for whatever reason. If we see ads that have an unusually high number of closes we will stop running them. For this feature, we're waiting on support from our ad serving software (AdZerk).