I'm talking about SO, one of the best sites I've ever known.
There are some things I wanted to ask, and learn what others (especially gurus and the owners) think about this point of view.
This question caused me to be banned.
I do not want to ask you to give my account back.
Most of the people here are not native English speakers, so a few misunderstandings and misleading topics are possible.
Aren't we sometimes treating the users cruel, harsh, or too bossy?
I've been a developer for more than 16 years and had different experiences, maybe in some expert and if we summarize the subjects I will be quite good.
Developers could have different opinions about sharing their code and ideas. So, if I didn't post a piece of my commercial code, can I be blamed for that? In some posts I tried to summarize the code as much as I can.
Sometimes explaining a question is hard, or explaining why and when you come into that problem could be hard also.
In some of my posts the confusion comes when you started 2-3 pieces of new coding technologies.
I myself Google first before each of my posts, then maybe someone will come into your topic and give their own Googled links, or believe me sometimes you will get silly or irrelevant answers.
So if one time I asked "please give a piece of code regarding my simple problem" that was the reason. And, a person came to that topic looking at it upside-down saying, "don't ask for code! What have you done?" In that case I did a similar activity in 4-5 different ways if I posted a key part about each the topic would be messed-up and that would cause just confusion, and some others maybe came to talk about other different parts of that topic. Isn't it right?
Being more in SO could be good because I love this site, but having more reputation here doesn't mean that someone is higher than anyone or even has more knowledge on the topic, but it's possible to be true that way, maybe lots of the higher ranks have more free time than some others!
I like SO a lot and think it could be the best site on the globe and this is one of the sites I was spending more of my time on the Web here.
Sometimes you have to give your question in the simplest form that it comes into your mind. There are situations when you are in a hurry and your question isn't as good well-formed as you desire.
Maybe 2 questions be completely relevant and complementary to each other, and be better to be in one question and not separates into 2 different questions.
I think some times moderators that want to manage and control the topics and trying to reform SO's posts and making them more reliable with rules do taking decisions with precipitation.
These were my ideas or some notions that came into my mind regarding these kinds of problem and maybe a bit of criticism that some could be thought about.