What can we chat about?
This site is an extension of The Stack Exchange Network, so discussion should more or less revolve around the same topics you'd find at The Stack Exchange Network — but in an interactive, less strictly Q&A focused way. Do have fun, but please keep it professional and always be respectful of your fellow community members.
The current text implies that chat rooms should generally be discussing whatever the site is about, and other subjects are "off-topic." This can lead to unfortunate misunderstandings.
However, in my own humble experience, chat rooms are seen as much more of a social outlet. You can always start an "on-topic" discussion there, but pure socializing and general randomness are acceptable and encouraged. Examples include chat rooms for Area 51 sites, which play a community-building role even when veering off the "official" site topic, and of course Aww!.
I suggest the FAQ should reflect this tone better. For example:
What can we chat about?
This site is an extension of The Stack Exchange Network, so discussion will generally revolve around the same topics you'd find at The Stack Exchange Network — but it's also a more open, social medium, so other topics and general socializing are common as well. You can always feel free to jump in with any conversation topic that relates to the individual Stack Exchange site or its topic. Do have fun, but please keep it professional and always be respectful of your fellow community members.