As a user I'd like to find the amount of posts that I've edited.

Is it possible? Could it be a suggestion for improvement?

2 Answers 2


For the number of edits, go to the Users tab, click on the right-hand side on the "Editors" tab, select a time period, and editors are sorted by the number of edits they made in that period.

To see the total count of edits you made, select the "all" time period, and search for your name. Here's a screenshot of me searching for my own name:

enter image description here

In other words: by time machine.


It's in your profile: https://stackoverflow.com/users/970721/thecatontheflat?tab=activity&sort=revisions

  • Wow. Thanks! Shame on me that I was not so accurate :) Commented Aug 9, 2012 at 5:48

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