For anyone like me who got the announcer badge and DIDN'T get posted on Ars Technica, didn't have any activity on the question for which the badge was received, and didn't remember even looking at it, let alone linking to it....
I got an announcer badge for a question about testing cron on Ask Ubuntu. Huh?
I mostly frequent Unix & Linux, so I guessed I must have posted a link in a comment to that question. Did I?
Yes, I did! I found it by running a Data Explorer query like so:
select * from comments
text like '%85558/457111%'
userid = 135943
(Note that the actual comment included "http" whereas the current "share" link is "https," which is why I first got no results and then used the URL substring as shown to search.)
Here is existing SEDE query, just put your user ID and text to search and you'll get the results.