I came across this on the main page of Stack Overflow. If it matters, I'm using Firefox 3.5.2 on Windows 7 RC.
alt text http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/7936/stackoverflow123viewsth.png
I came across this on the main page of Stack Overflow. If it matters, I'm using Firefox 3.5.2 on Windows 7 RC.
alt text http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/7936/stackoverflow123viewsth.png
Just change the word "views" to "Kviews" and "Mviews" and give it the same font color as the number itself so it's highlighted when the number is highlighted.
It'll fit. It'll make sense. It'll allow the same amount of precision as always.
Problem solved.
This requires more scaling than 123 thousand views to fit 4 characters horizontally, but it doesn't try to cram the word "thousand" between the number and "views."
alt text http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/5080/100kviews.png
<div class="views">
<div class="mini-counts supernova"
style="height: 23px; font-size: 140%; padding-top: 2px;">123k</div>
What about the mathematical notation? 1e5, 2e5 look quite good and I'm sure almost all programmers understand it.
View counts are displayed as 2e5, 3e5, etc. http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/9040/picture1cw.png
Here's the reason it's status-bydesign, since clearly you all find it an issue.
It's definitely intentional (thus not a bug), although I don't like it much myself.
I think this looks pretty good. You lose some granularity on the number, but no extra CSS is required to shrink the numbers or realign stuff. Unfortunately, the leading '0' won't fit.
alt text http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/2610/100thousandviewspointmi.png
Here's some more precision with a smaller 'm'.
alt text http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/2479/point12millionviews.png
<div class="views">
<div class="mini-counts supernova">.12<span style="font-size: 50%;">m</span>
(See my other answers for more possible solutions)
I took a crack at this for Jeff and everyone else to take a look at. I'm no CSS-whiz, but here it goes.
The "What is your best programming joke?" question wasn't in the main view when I started editing so I commandeered a random question.
I made sure to keep "views" vertically-aligned with "answers" because I think that would be the most visually-jarring thing if they were unaligned. This meant scaling down the views number somewhat.
I understand that Jeff is opposed to scaling the number, but maybe others won't find it so bad. I find it favorable to the current situation.
alt text http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/5598/100thousandviewsadjuste.png
.thousands-number {
.thousands-text {
<div class="views">
<div class="mini-counts thousands-number supernova">123</div>
<div class="thousands-text supernova">thousand</div>
How about using a log10 scale for views and changing indicator to a popularity or interest index rather than raw number of views? You can then not use a number but a narrow color bar to indicate views. One can also add a title to the HTML element which would show the raw number on hover.
Maybe I'm missing something here, but I'll throw in two other possibilities:
Make the view-count area wider, so that it can accommodate 4-digit counts (i.e. 1000K views, 1000M views). I guess the current version is trying to keep the view-count area the same width as the votes and answer count boxes, so maybe this isn't a reasonable solution.
Or don't worry about representing very large values exactly. Maybe once you go over 99K views, you just display it as ">99K views". We already lose precision anyway once you get into the thousands, and is it really that important to know a question has exactly 100,254 views? On the other hand, if you still want to see the real view count, you could consider still displaying the total number of views in a smaller font, where "thousands" was displayed before.
Something like this:
views(100,254 total)
Or, if you can't spare the extra space for the ">" character, add text above the view count to specify "greater than" (obviously with better alignment):
more than99K
views(100,254 total)
Of course, then we have the same problem with how to display the total when it gets really large. Maybe we should just cap it and anything over 99K views is just displayed as ">99K" views.
If you still want to show the total view count somewhere, you could display the approximate view count on the questions tab, and then display the total view count only when you actually click on the question, perhaps above or below the title in a smaller font, or below the question next to the asker's information.