What do you think about having the ability to know all the information below before actually visiting a question:
- The number of lines of the description of the problem
- If the description contains code or not
- Number of comments
- Pictures or not
What do you think about having the ability to know all the information below before actually visiting a question:
I think the current summary is sufficient: for most questions, you can get a decent guess of its quality by looking at the summary. Knowing if the question contains pictures or code is just a click away, and the number of comments is usually irrelevant.
The only thing that I would change is letting users preview the summary to improve the chance that the two-liner that you see in the list is what the OP wanted you to see.
I didn't say that we should overload the question by a lot of informations, these features can be represented by small icons near tags, and I think those informations will be needed in most cases.
I'm not saying that we give people reasons to avoid questions, but instead we give people the choice to choose the questions they want to answer, we must also think about people who spend their time answering, they have the right to sort questions according to what they like.
Personally I like to answer short questions or questions that contain lines of code.
And I think if there is the ability to sort questions according those criteria, other questions will have the chance to be seen by other users, so the number of ignored questions will reduce.
it's just a suggestion, -6 downvotes it's to much, and it prevents me from posting again.