I find a lot of suggested edits pretty poor. For me, it feels like that more than a half of the suggested edits doesn't properly address all issues in the post. The trigger of today was this particular example. It does not remove the PLEASE HELP ME screaming of the OP and even more, it introduces 2 bad edits:
- using code tags to highlight framework/library name and
- using
tag to introduce a paragraph. There are many, many things which can be done better. It has been properly rejected as "too minor" once, but it is after all approved twice.
I would like to see kind of a mechanism to "downvote" an approved suggested edit. This should affect both the person who suggested the edit and the persons who approved it anyway. In general, I find that both the edit suggestors and suggested edit reviewers are doing a poor job in such case. Suggested edits shouldn't yield reps too easily and the reviewers should review them more carefully.
at all. I'd imagine that when someone still does that, the chance in making review mistakes is much bigger.