Archaeological question. When looking for the oldest question on Meta, I found that
redirects to
None of the answers I see has a post number of 5, which means that that answer was deleted. But how is it possible that the answer has a lower post ID than the question?
At first I thought that the asker might have answered the question when posting it (using the "Answer your own question" checkbox), but I tried that and the answer is assigned ID questionID + 1. So that can't be why.
Similar: Back to the future (but not the same issue, since in that case the post IDs are in the expected order).
for me... The answer with ID 5 is an answer to the question with ID 2. I don't see any reason why you'd be getting to the question with ID 6. It should just display a "this question was voluntarily removed by its author" message, because that's exactly what happened. Edit: Tested in a browser where I wasn't logged in, that's what happens. I have no IDea how you got to ID 6.