Including the word "you" in the title of a question triggers an angry red-boxed warning saying:
"The question you're asking appears subjective and is likely to be closed."
The highly sophisticated AI used to determine that message's display is:
return Regex.IsMatch(s,
Which is to say, that including any of the words best, worst, hardest, you, your, or favorite will trigger it.
The highly sophisticated method used to develop that AI was:
... scanning about a hundred closed subjective questions that were not good fits on Stack Overflow.
I'm all for easily understood heuristics, and people have marveled at how good this one is, but "you" shouldn't be included.
There are about thirty-thousand open, unlocked (i.e., probably not subjective) questions with "you" in the title, including:
- How do you make an existing git branch track a remote branch?
- How do you get a timestamp in JavaScript?
- How do you set, clear and toggle a single bit in C?
- ...and many more
and the bulk of those were asked despite the angry red box.
As apparent from those questions, "How do you X?" is a perfectly natural way to formulate an objective question. It may not be ideal question title format. It may be more likely than "How do I X?" to be subjective, but it's perfectly proper English and nowhere near a reliable enough indicator to always be flagged as subjective.
Flagging every "How do you..." question as "appears subjective" causes too many false positives and looks sloppy. Please stop.
While this issue has been raised before in above-linked questions, this is the only clearcut, specific feature-request and thus not a duplicate by my reckoning.
Note that this fix is literally a single character change to a single regular expression. By and large the subjective filter works well, but flagging any use of "you" is overkill.