"Whining" seems to be a significant concern for the Stack Exchange team that is often a strong reason for opposition against various feature-request's. For example:
Show all of my question/answers to me even if they are deleted
@hendrik it would lead to unbelievable amounts of whining. Will not get implemented as long as I am still alive to prevent it from happening. – Jeff Atwood♦
Make the FAQ clear on how a question can be reopened
@yannis I am strongly opposed to such a page, as I believe it is a recipe for endless whining and a manifesto for "I done been wronged" attitudes. – Jeff Atwood♦
Is "whining" really a serious problem? I understand that we don't want moderators and the community to be flooded with all sorts of complaints from users (mostly new users), but is this really an overriding concern that justifies not implementing features that can improve the Stack Exchange user experience?