If I understand what you're asking for correctly I see one big problem, which is that the 'SE way' is to treat each post on face value, with the rep of the OP being irrelevant. Other meta requests to add user-focussed functionality are always frowned upon, and with good reason. (Of course, the community as a whole can't help but be hypocritical, so we have thousands of comments about low rates of answer acceptance, which bear no relation to the question at hand.)
Having said that, I can see the utility in your suggestion. I visit the site casually and so rarely 'intersect' with a question of interest I can answer. A filter based on OP rep at time of posting would I'm sure eliminate a lot of chaff, after all, surely the number of ill-informed noob questions is greater than the number of high-rep user 'golden nuggets'?
This suggestion on its own seems harmless as an option. For most answerers the noob questions are part of the bread and butter of earning rep. We're not going to all flock to the well-researched well-written questions of high-rep users, because they will be hard, and mostly not in our areas of expertise. But, once user- or rep-based filtering appears, it's a slippery slope away from the egalitarian modus operandi that has made these sites work. So I can't support this idea.
I suggest that you use a vote-based filter to find interesting material instead. The community is pretty adept at identifying the good stuff.