Possible Duplicate:
Formatting Sandbox
first post here:
stackoverflow posts can be very complex (using formatting code and other elements).
hash appears to make heading... where is comment?
//sample code (java, android); let's see how this looks
public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
mListener = (MPQGenDialogListener) getTargetFragment();
if (null == mListener) {
mListener = (MPQGenDialogListener) activity;
if (null == mListener) {
throw new ClassCastException(activity.toString() + " must implement MPQGenDialogListener");
} // END onAttach()
Where can one practice creating (and/or answering) *stackoverflow questions? [In effect I am attempting to answer that in this question, but I may get stricken down or a better method may be identified].
A "helloworld" tag would be nice/appropriate :-D .