I often come across posts containing really irritating typos, but the post is otherwise OK.
This has been asked before in different forms (e.g., here), but previous requests have included things like a tick-box for minor edits that would automatically fill out the comment box with 'minor edit/typo'.
I would like to suggest a modification of the existing edit function so that edits below a certain threshold (say 5 characters?) are automatically applied without
- prompting for a comment
- requiring approval
- bumping the question
- putting the 'last edited by' box on the post
- contributing to the number of edits made by a user
- gaining reputation
I know some people will think this doesn't matter and isn't worth the effort to implement, but typos/grammatical errors can throw off a fluent reader of a language quite badly. This would also allow for fixing tiny but vitally important errors in code.
Perhaps there could also be an acknowledge button 'are you sure there is nothing else to fix?' to avoid people submitting a tiny edit accidentally.
Edit: I do not believe this to be an exact duplicate, though if others disagree on the utility of the suggestion that is fine. But to make it clear, I suggest this to be a modification of the existing edit function, available to users with sufficient rep to do normal edits, which would cut out some of the effects of editing for very minor edits only to avoid spamming the board or getting 'too minor; reject' reviews.