Stack Overflow is an incredible resource for asking questions and receiving prompt answers from the users.
However sometimes (and I know we have seen it) we get questions which seem insidiously stupid and obvious that the person hasn't put in the research.
Other times I, personally (maybe you too) have noticed that a question will be asked in such a way that the user indicates that he has no familiarity with the subject whatsoever.
For example, "How can you do..."
Answer: "There's absolutely no way and you clearly don't get what you're asking"
And these questions are nearly always closed under the heading "Not A Real Question".
However, this ends up leaving the user confused when he could have been helped by someone explaining instead why the question couldn't be solved.
This happened to me with an old question of mine:
Mutidimensional Array Of Checkboxes?
And though now I clearly understand why that wouldn't work at the time the reason was not apparent and the question was closed before anyone could tell me so.
I'm not saying that we should close vague questions but instead maybe adopt a policy of leniency or try to explain why particular questions were closed
Brilliant Stack Overflow Community!!
Well, you reopened my question above and thanks to you, I in fact did get a very interesting answer to it.
Again, I reiterate that at the time my concepts were flawed, and I should have done a little more research before I posted. (And maybe it deserved closure over an exact duplicate. As said by @ircmaxell.)
But saying that I still believe that often when a question is declared to be ambiguous or vague the tagline itself is rather vague to a user that has a genuine question but unfortunately completely misunderstands the concept.