I want to express my disappointment. There is no "Scumbag Steve" hat. Why? I will go to great lengths to receive this hat, and I am sure some other people will too. Make it happen.
ps: My name is Steve in real life.
I want to express my disappointment. There is no "Scumbag Steve" hat. Why? I will go to great lengths to receive this hat, and I am sure some other people will too. Make it happen.
ps: My name is Steve in real life.
Sorry, I'm going to status-declined this one. Right now we only have one designer, the amazing and wonderful Jin who basically single-handedly made most of the imagery for Winter Bash (balpha helped out, as did Emmett). Given this literal resource restraint, we made as many hats as we could, as well as brainstormed fair ways of awarding these hats.
There are lots and lots of hats that didn't get made, including my personal favorite, The Aretha Hat:
If we do custom per-site hats next year, or if we just extend the base set of hats, we'll definitely consider adding the scumbag hat to the list. :)