Note: Somewhat related to Unable to edit posts with pending edits.

As a Suggested Edits queue reviewer, it's frustrating when reviewing a question that requires an edit, and going to edit only to find that you're not able due to a pending edit.

Of course, if I hadn't used up all 20 edits from the queue in this day, I would be able to either Accept or Improve the edit with my own changes. However when all of the edits are used up, this leaves no option but to move on which is fairly limiting. It's made worse when the pending edit doesn't actually address what you wanted to change.

Blocking screen that I am referring to

Is there any way to bypass this limitation? (That is, of course, without refreshing endlessly waiting for the edit to be approved or rejected to make your own)


2 Answers 2


I got stuck by this today, on this question: trying to convert a simple hashtable to html (that's the old title, which I hope has been changed by now).

I don't think, after reviewing 20 questions in the queue, I should be able to accept an edit, but I certainly should be able to improve or reject and improve an edit, especially when I think the suggestion is insufficient. In this case, the suggestion did nothing about the title and left some other issues to be desired.

I also don't think we should be able to count these questions towards our suggested edit queue badges, obviously.

Please give us the ability to improve these questions. Why actively block users from improving questions for any reason?

  • "that's the old title, which I hope has been changed by now" Now it has thanks to the Meta effect. Commented Feb 17, 2017 at 17:15

For now, use a workaround userscript that allows direct editing. This is unfortunately unable to Improve Edits: it will always Reject with a conflict. (It doesn't count toward review badges.)

  • 2
    This is helpful I guess, but you've got to admit it's a pretty crap solution.
    – durron597
    Commented Jul 30, 2015 at 2:47
  • @durron597: Oh, sure. But it is the best we've got right until this is implemented. Commented Jul 30, 2015 at 2:50
  • @DonaldDuck: That's the only thing the script adds; I don't know of any reason for it to fail, and haven't observed it to do so. Commented Feb 17, 2017 at 20:18

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