Possible Duplicates:
Notify user when their name is mentioned in comment
Make recent activity and responses show new comments on questions/answers I have commented on (even if I don’t own them)

Like Facebook does (and no, the suggestion is not about turning SO into facebook) I'd like to see a notification in the recent activity tab when there is a new comment to a post I previously posted a comment to, this way I can follow up.

Currently there's no easy way to see it other than go to the recent tab and manually check every post you commented on.


1 Answer 1


Normally, you only get notified of comments when you own the post.

You will now get notified of any comments that refer to you by @username in a comment, even if you do not own the post.


  1. Only applies to other people in the comments that you are commenting on.

  2. Response must include @username that you are referring to, where "username" is a reasonable match to the user's current display name (as seen in the comments above yours).

  3. There must be a starts-with, case insensitive match of at least THREE characters to the displayname. So @a and @ab will never match anyone or anything.

  4. Spaces cannot be used to match, so if the person's display name is "Peter Smith" then just use @peter to match.

  5. Matching is performed in reverse chronological order, so if there are five people named "John" in the comments, writing "hey @john, have you considered apples?" will match the most recent John to comment.

  • 1
    Wow, is it Christmas already?
    – alex
    Commented Jan 16, 2010 at 7:33
  • @hardcoded Have you considered oranges?
    – random
    Commented Jan 16, 2010 at 7:34
  • I guess my current user name is due to a new change. Thank you very much, muchísimas gracias, domo arigato gozaimazu, muito obrigado, большое спасибо, mulţumesc foarte mult @Je.
    – perbert
    Commented Jan 16, 2010 at 15:36

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