Update 2013/03/06: I've been playing around in the Data Explorer (first time I've used it) and put together a basic query to help identify typo related posts a little better, improvements welcome:
select a.Id as [Post Link], a.Body
from Posts q
inner join Posts a on a.Id = q.AcceptedAnswerId -- only check accepted answers
where len(a.Body) < 200 -- posts less than 200 chars can be a giveaway
and q.ClosedDate IS NULL -- only search open questions
and (
lower(a.Body) like '%typo%'
or lower(a.Body) like '%spelled wrong%'
or lower(a.Body) like '%spelled incorrectly%' -- add more...
This simple search yields an impressive amount of "too localized" questions related to typos by the OP:
There's been a lot of activity on this query, so I suspect much of the work left to do is in the "middle" of whichever way you sort the questions. There are several which do not qualify, and the more the bad ones get deleted, the harder it is to find more.
and these ones:
These are really easy, and almost all of them are a clear case of "too localized". I'm sure there are more variations of this query I didn't think of yet.
Most of the accepted answers are like this:
✓ You had a typo, "
" should be "password
".OMG u r right!!! I feel so stupid!!! – CarelessUser May 10 '11 at 13:03
It might even be so bad where a moderator can just go in and just start deleting them outright, but I realize the mods are very busy (and as far as I understand, some mods are reluctant to get involved due to their deletes being permanent).
How can we help?
Would you all care to help me clean these questions up by closing and deleting them? Almost all of them are clear cut cases of too-localized useless questions. There are a lot, which is why I'm asking for help. I will do what I can in my spare time.
Here's one thing I just started doing that seems to help. Whenever I see a 3K+ user who has answered one of these questions, I'll post this comment:
There's a [campaign to clean up Stack Overflow](https://meta.stackexchange.com/q/167342) by removing these typo-related questions - we could really use your help! Would you mind pitching in a little by casting a close vote on this question?
So if you're reading this because of a similar comment, thank you!
If you haven't already, join us in chat!
- Obviously don't close/delete without reviewing first. The posts I'm targeting (strictly typo-related) generally take about 2 seconds to assert their uselessness which I think will make this an easy cleanup. Of course if the question/answer has other relevant content not related to a typo it might not be a candidate for removal.
- If you have "delete" privileges - use them. This will make the process much easier once questions start disappearing.
- Do not flag as this makes more work for mods, please simply cast close votes.
- At the time of posting, the search returned 2,490 results.
- Good question in the comments: Is there any way to filter closed questions from that list? The fact that the query searches for answers prevents using
. - This may be debatable, but some questions are about clarifying possible typos in documentation and online resources (example). If you have doubt, err on the side of leaving it open in these cases. However if you find that the typo has been fixed in the original resource, go ahead and close the question as it is no longer applicable.
re answers prevents me from using