To start off please don't misinterpret the question.
I understand that Stack Overflow is meant to be a forum for professionals looking to get serious professional help, but I feel as if you are leaving out a whole group of people. While I may have a biased opinion being a student and not knowing nearly as much as your users I see a good deal of almost attacks against users new to field of computers and other things Stack Overflow is associated with.
A good deal of these users are posting legitimate questions that they can't find answers to and are getting almost assaulted by responses of "did you even research this" and other things making them feel like they are incompetent. The reality of the situation however is that these people sometimes don't know they've found the answer or are looking to see if there is someone out there that can explain it in a way that is less confusing.
One of the biggest positives about forums like these with people answering questions like those is they generally rephrase the answer in a less professional way that makes it easier to grasp the concepts of these ideas. Personally one of the most annoying these I have ever had happen is when doing a personal project attempting to understand some of the abilities of C++ I had people posting about how they we're just going to do my homework for me. The thing was it wasn't homework. I was a person attempting to get a better understanding of a language I didn't fully understand.
To fix the problem of these people being brutally shunned out of the community for questions that the professionals regard as "too stupid", "not worth there time", "not researched fully" or even just "plain old too basic", is there another Stack Exchange site for new people such as students or hobbyists where they won't be judged for not knowing things and they can get help without being shunned?
Please take this idea with an open mind and attempt to understand how frustrating it is to see a very valuable resource that will allow you to understand a complex idea and then be shunned out of it simply because the idea was to elementary.
Also - Sometimes people have put in research but they want to hear the ideas of other see what the recommend because these people usually have more experience and can say things like "Well this book while it looks good is extremely useless yet this one was wonderful". These may be opinions but they are also very useful to those that need guidance.
From what I see here this idea might not be taken well but I do believe he is correct and this problem needs to be addressed.