Specific question: why was this question (Best programming aids for a quadriplegic programmer) deleted?
I asked that question a number of years ago (April, '10). I just recently went looking for it to point someone else to the answers (he was asking a question on meta about his closed question on a similar topic). I was surprised to find that the list of 3 questions I have ever asked on SO was now 2. The only way I could even get a link to my own question was by clicking on the Great Question badge I received for it.
It's not like this was a question that didn't get any interest at the time: 126 up votes (and 1 down), 2,500 views, top answer (from a high-rep member with disabilities) had 92 ups, and there were a total of 8 answers from users who have a combined rep of about 200,000. So it wasn't exactly yet-another-question about how to do 1+1 in C#.
Yet on 1/15/2013, the SO mod Will deleted it. He didn't lock it, he didn't close it, he didn't migrate it, he deleted it, and there was no reason given.
Note: About the only thread on meta that seems to address this issue directly was back in 11/2009 (Add Delete Reasons like we have Close Reasons asked by cletus, 27K), and got 2 fairly weak answers: one from Shog9, and the other one from Jeff. Every other thread seems to be focused on deleted answers.
So to repeat the question: why was this question deleted?
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