I discovered that there is the tag , which is the same as . So I decided to suggest a synonym.

Round One. I tried to suggest as a synonym of . I got "The suggested tag must exist in the system before suggesting it as a synonym!".

Round two. OK, it seems that StackOverflow thinks that doesn't exists because it's a synonym of . Then, I tried to add as a synonym of . But my score in tag was 0, so I couldn't (see Remove tag score requirement for suggesting synonyms).

Round three. OK, maybe I don't have score, but my score is high. Then, I tried to add as a synonym of . I got "Version specific synonyms can only be created by moderators" (see Version specific synonyms can only be created by moderators).

Round four. OK, maybe I don't have any score but I could gain it. So I edited added the tag to the question Relocating text with js code because my answer has 11 upvotes, and this way gaining 11 score. But my score was still 0 (see How are tag scores calculated?).

Round five. After some hours, my score was updated. And I tried to add javascript as a synonym of again. But now I get "Can't create synonym; the 'javascript' tag appears more than 1.25 times the 'ecma262' tag".

So I have lost 5 rounds and I give up because StackOverflow has totally defeated me.

  • 5
    I see your frustration.
    – yo'
    Commented Mar 4, 2013 at 18:41
  • 3
    All of the uses of ecma262 appear to be by users wishing to specifically state the version of Javascript they are running. [status-declined].
    – user102937
    Commented Mar 4, 2013 at 18:51
  • Never give up! Never surrender! Commented Mar 4, 2013 at 19:09
  • Unless I'm missing something, wouldn't that be making Javascript a sub-tag of ecma262? E.g. something extremely bad?
    – Zelda
    Commented Mar 4, 2013 at 19:31
  • Does this answer your question? What are tag synonyms and merged tags? How do they work?
    – Rob
    Commented Jun 29, 2022 at 1:30

2 Answers 2


Round One

This round shouldn't have even happened. Tag synonyms work by sending a synonym tag to a master tag. You should always be on the master tag when suggesting a synonym, because any uses of the synonym automatically get retagged to its master. The tag would not be considered the master tag in this case, so you should instead be trying to suggest a synonym on the tag.

Round Two

Again, this round shouldn't happen. You need to be on the tag to be suggesting the synonym.

Round Three

This is where your legitimate concern is. The system thinks that is a version-specific tag and thus won't let you create it. In these cases, you should come to Meta to discuss whether or not it should be synonymized with the master tag (like you have).

Round Four

There was no need to gain the required score in the tag, you only needed the required score in the tag.

Round Five

The ratio is there for a reason - so that low-count tags don't become masters of high-count tags. Again, this occurred because you were trying to suggest the synonym on the wrong tag. There is no reason to remove the limit.

See Also: What are tag synonyms? How do they work?

  • 1
    Good point, I didn't think about master/slave synonym tags.
    – Oriol
    Commented Mar 4, 2013 at 19:20

ECMAScript is a politically correct name for JavaScript.

ECMA262 is the standard upon which JavaScript is based.

They're not synonyms. Questions about the ECMA-262 standard are rare. Questions about JavaScript/ECMAScript are common as mud.

The behavior of the system exists to make sure folks who aren't familiar with the specifics of tags don't make bad assumptions and break things. I have to say, that seems to have worked here.

  • I don't see the difference. All questions about JavaScript should ask (more or less explicitly) something about the standards. I can't imagine a question like "I hate using function keyword to declare functions, which nonstandard alternative supported by X (strange browser) do I have?"
    – Oriol
    Commented Mar 5, 2013 at 0:19
  • Rather than rehashing it, I'm gonna refer you to this discussion which led to the retagging of a handful of ecmascript questions with either [ecma262] or [ecmascript-5]. But to summarize: no, most folks don't care what the standard says should work - they want a solution that'll actually work in whatever popular browsers their users rely on.
    – Shog9
    Commented Mar 5, 2013 at 0:40

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