As of late I can't login with pip.verisignlabs.com as my OpenID provider. I've replaced my actual username in the error message with username.

Unable to log in with your OpenID provider:
The OpenID Provider issued an assertion for an Identifier whose discovery information did not match.

Assertion endpoint info: 
ClaimedIdentifier: http://username.pip.verisignlabs.com/
ProviderLocalIdentifier: http://username.pip.verisignlabs.com/
ProviderEndpoint: https://pip.verisignlabs.com/server
OpenID version: 2.0
Service Type URIs: 
Discovered endpoint info: [
    ClaimedIdentifier: http://username.pip.verisignlabs.com/
    ProviderLocalIdentifier: http://username.pip.verisignlabs.com/
    ProviderEndpoint: http://pip.verisignlabs.com/server
    OpenID version: 2.0
    Service Type URIs:
        http://openid.net/sreg/1.0 http://openid.net/extensions/sreg/1.1
    ClaimedIdentifier: http://username.pip.verisignlabs.com/
    ProviderLocalIdentifier: http://username.pip.verisignlabs.com/
    ProviderEndpoint: http://pip.verisignlabs.com/server
    OpenID version: 1.1
    Service Type URIs:

1 Answer 1


This seems to happen from time to time, when using Verisign as an OpenID provider. It happened on SE sites, twice, in 2010:

and again in 2012, and maybe a few more times. In each case, it seems that other StackExchange users were affected, and often, that Symantec user support
needed to be involved. Here's their contact info, from Verisign help document [PDF], unchanged since 2010:

For more information about VeriSign Identity Protection, please call 650-426-5310 or email: [email protected].

I have a Verisign ID, but haven't associated it with StackExchange and all my other OpenID providers, would rather keep them separate, else I would try to see if I'm having the same difficulty. Verisign OpenID is not down, so that isn't the problem (it was once, in a past question on MSO).

*** I should have written this as a comment, but it is way too lengthy.

  • Thanks I've written an email to them, lets see what they can do. Commented Mar 22, 2013 at 23:17
  • Are you serious, they STILL haven't fixed this yet?! That's awful. I nagged them on Twitter a little when you first posted the question. I can nag at them a little bit more now. I would have thought they'd be more attentive to your concerns (though not because of my nagging ;o) I wonder why they were so responsive when this happened on SO in the past, but not now? Commented Mar 22, 2013 at 23:49
  • Yes no answer to my mail and it is still not working. Commented Mar 25, 2013 at 19:01

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