The funny thing is, people really enjoy answering questions.
I'm not totally sure that even exact repeats are that much of a problem for most people since anyone answering them must be motivated to do so.
On the other hand, some people are extremely bothered by the concept of giving others the opportunity to answer the same question that has already been answered. I think it's the same part of our "programming brain" that forces us to refactor redundant code.
In this case, I think, we may at some point want to realize that answering a simple question is actually fun, and making someone feel bad for posting a simple (even trivial) question isn't really productive.
If we were flooded by the same question ten times a day, then I might have a different observation... currently I'm kinda meh about the whole thing.
I do think we should have a way to create our own long-form answers to certain questions (attached to our homepage) we are passionate about and be able to just reference them in an answer. With that we'd be able to save the time and let them know (rather subtly) that the answer has been there all along. I'm considering doing this through a blog on another site I can reference, but it would be nice if we could do it here.