I'm aiming for a mechanism that can be used to highlight high-quality answers that have garnered few votes. I think this would provide a valuable UX element for users to become more engaged, and on-boarded in community practices.
It would essentially be a badge-recognition of answers that heavily use references in the format of this meta.SE feature request
Thus, this may not be a functional addition to the engine until the above reference/citation feature request is fulfilled.
References to citations are a critical part of discourse. Academic areas like History and Chemistry rely upon references / citations more heavily. To give a succinct-comparison from another academic field, it has been said that "citations are the source code of Physics.SE"
Should we allow the engine to recognize good citation / reference practices via:
- a badge after a fixed number of answers, voted to N-score, each with at least X citations
- a badge when total citations in all answers exceed Y
- when a moderator awards Q or A with subjectively-good ('policy') citations.
- etc.
By 'counting citations', I mean "counting the number of reference link that are included in the body of the question or answer".